Our Terms and Conditions

The Ideal Spa acknowledges the significance of safeguarding the privacy of all individuals who provide information as users of our websites, subscribers to our services, registrants for our events, and customers of our products and services. We have formulated this policy to demonstrate our fundamental respect for our customers’ right to privacy and to establish guidelines for our interactions with them. This Privacy Statement reveals the practices we employ to protect privacy across all The Ideal Spa-owned products and services.

Collection and Utilization of Information

The Ideal Spa acquires information from users of our websites, subscribers, and other customers. In this section of our Privacy Statement, we outline the types of information we collect and how we utilize it to enhance the services we offer to our valued customers.


To access certain selected services on our website or subscribe to our offerings, users are required to complete a registration process. During registration, users must provide their contact information, including name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. We utilize this information for internal communication with users, to deliver requested services, and to personalize the website experience for our visitors. Additionally, we may collect demographic information. The aggregate demographic data about our audience helps us improve our services, implement marketing strategies, and compile industry reports.

Certain products and services we provide are free for subscribers who meet specific demographic criteria. Independent auditors may require verification of subscriber eligibility. To facilitate this, we may collect unique identifiers, such as a mother’s maiden name, which we strictly disclose to auditors for industry reporting and audit verification purposes.

For services that involve payment, such as subscriptions, we also collect credit card information, including account name, number, and expiration date. This information is solely utilized for billing purposes by ourselves or our authorized agents and is not shared with any other parties.


Occasionally, we invite website users and other customers to participate in surveys or contests. The decision to disclose requested contact information, such as name and mailing address, as well as demographic information like zip code or job title, is entirely voluntary. The participation in these surveys or contests is optional. In addition to the purposes mentioned in this policy, the contact information collected in connection with surveys and contests is utilized to notify winners, award prizes, and monitor or enhance the use of our website or other The Ideal Spa products and services. Depending on the preferences expressed by the customer (as described in the “Permission” section below), this information may also be shared with third-party sponsors involved in conducting these surveys or contests.

Contact with Us

We offer various ways for our customers to reach out to us, such as feedback forms, to submit requests for service, support, or information. If necessary, we may forward these submissions to our agents who can best address the specific needs. Additionally, we may retain emails and other communications for internal administrative purposes and to enhance our customer service. Please note that certain submissions, like letters to the business, may be made public unless they pertain to currently registered businesses, in which case we keep the information confidential.

Contact from Us:

At The Ideal Spa, we use email to communicate with our customers regarding their accounts, appointments, and for marketing purposes. We provide guests with the opportunity to opt-out of these communications. In some cases, we may use texting to address appointment or administrative needs, and guests can choose to opt-in or opt-out of such messages.

Automatic Collection of Data

The Ideal Spa incorporates features that automatically gather information from customers, delivering content tailored to their interests and respecting their preferences. This information helps us develop products and services that meet our customers’ needs.

For instance, we utilize “cookies,” which are small pieces of data stored on users’ hard drives containing information about them. Cookies simplify the login process, saving time while navigating our website. If users reject cookies, certain areas of our website may have limited functionality, such as participation in sweepstakes, contests, or drawings.

For internal purposes, we collect the date, time, browser type, navigation history, and IP address of all website visitors. This information does not personally identify users and is used for security audits, trend analysis, system administration, and to gather general demographic data about our user base in an aggregate, non-personally identifiable form.

We may combine demographic information provided by customers during registration with website usage data to create general profiles of our customers’ preferences for site content and advertising. This composite information, devoid of personal identifiers, may be shared with our advertisers and business affiliates to help them better understand our services.

Sharing of Your Information

Occasionally, we may provide targeted marketing lists, containing names and offline or online contact details, to third parties in accordance with our Permission policies. However, customers always have the option to withhold their consent for their names or contact information to be disclosed to third parties.

Apart from the aforementioned scenario, we do not share personally identifiable information with other companies, except for our authorized agents who assist in providing our products or services. These agents are obligated to use the information solely for the intended purpose and maintain its security and confidentiality. Additionally, our parent, subsidiary, and affiliate companies, as well as entities resulting from a merger or acquisition, may access personal information.

We will disclose information when legally required, such as in response to a court order, subpoena, law enforcement request, or to protect our rights, property, or safety from potential harm or interference caused either intentionally or unintentionally. Users should also be aware that under certain circumstances, courts of equity, like U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, may permit sharing or transfer of personal information to third parties without explicit permission.

We may share aggregate information, which is not personally identifiable, with others. This may include usage and demographic data, excluding personal information.

Updating Personal Information

If your personally identifiable information changes, such as your zip code, or if you no longer wish to receive our products or services, you can correct or update your data by contacting Customer Support at [email protected]


Our customers have the choice of receiving information unrelated to their registered product or service from our affiliates and us. They also have the option to allow or deny the sharing of personal information with third parties for marketing purposes.

Please note that we will make reasonable efforts to honor your permission requests in a timely manner. However, there may be a transitional period during which you may still receive mailings or other communications based on information released before your request was implemented. Furthermore, please be aware that even after your request is implemented, we will continue to update you with information directly related to the service for which you registered or agreed to receive, ensuring you stay informed.


We take reasonable precautions to safeguard the personal information of our customers and maintain its secure storage. When sensitive information, such as credit card numbers (applicable only to businesses), is transmitted to us online, it is encrypted and securely sent. Additionally, access to all customer information, not just sensitive data, is restricted. Our servers, where personally identifiable information is stored, are located in a secure environment.


The Ideal Spa may include links to other websites. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those external sites. We encourage our users to be mindful when leaving our site and to read the privacy statements of each website that may collect personally identifiable information.


The Ideal Spa websites are not intended for individuals under the age of thirteen, and we do not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from such individuals.

Notification and Changes

If there are any changes to our Privacy Statement, we will post those revisions on this page to keep our users informed about the information we collect, how we use it, and the circumstances, if any, under which we disclose it. We recommend that users regularly review this policy to stay updated on any changes.